Nov 03, 2013 · This blog has been designed with the aim of providing my students with most of the materials and activities worked in class. They can also find some extra activities, songs, films and video recommendations.
Contents of the course 'Way to English 1' Burlington books. Welcome to IES Alhadra, Almería Hola a tod@s, aquí encontrareis también las actividades que realizaremos en clase. Get along with English!: 3º ESO: PAST SIMPLE AND PAST ... Nov 03, 2013 · This blog has been designed with the aim of providing my students with most of the materials and activities worked in class. They can also find some extra activities, songs, films and video recommendations. Grammar exercises - GENERAL ASPECTS ABOUT GRAMMAR (ON LINE) Jimdo. Esta página web ha sido creada con Jimdo. ¡Regístrate ahora gratis en!
Tests de nivel ESO (34) con soluciones : Libro de EJERCICIOS y EXAMENES de INGLES (434 páginas) Inglés para secundaria (McGraw-Hill - Oxford) LIBROS DE TEXTO INTERACTIVOS: Some of the exercises in this website are based on the contents of specific textbooks. Click on the following links. 1º ESO: PAST SIMPLE EXERCISES ~ Why learn English? Apr 09, 2014 · Eva, muchas gracias. Nos va muy bien para aprender, los ejercicios que nos cuelgas en el blog. Responder Eliminar INSPIRATION 1 Worksheet 8 1 Was / wereCarl with Sara last night? 2 Yes, he was / were. 3 Was / Werethey with Steve? 4 Yes, they was / were. 5 But they wasn’t / weren’twith Dominic. 6 Was / WereRosie with them? 7 No, she wasn’t / weren’t. 8 Where was / wereyou last night? was
1 ESO - English at IES Alhadra Almería Contents of the course 'Way to English 1' Burlington books. Welcome to IES Alhadra, Almería Hola a tod@s, aquí encontrareis también las actividades que realizaremos en clase. Get along with English!: 3º ESO: PAST SIMPLE AND PAST ... Nov 03, 2013 · This blog has been designed with the aim of providing my students with most of the materials and activities worked in class. They can also find some extra activities, songs, films and video recommendations. Grammar exercises -
was or were – Simple Past – Exercise. Advertisements. Task No. 1775. Use was or were. Choose from the drop down menu. Do you need help? be, do, have and irregular verbs in the Simple Past. I . in Canberra last spring. We . at school last Saturday. (PDF) PAST SIMPLE (reg. & irreg. verbs) grammar+ exercises ... PAST SIMPLE (reg. & irreg. verbs) grammar+ exercises 1º ESO (curso 202-13 1ST TERM - Página Jimdo de cristinasantavictoria Jimdo. Esta página web ha sido creada con Jimdo. ¡Regístrate ahora gratis en!
Past Simple with 'Be' Mixed Exercise 1. This past simple exercise practises making all the forms with 'be'. Click here to review how to make the English past simple. Go back to the grammar exercises page Click here to download this exercise in PDF (with answers)
1 ESO Unit 7 Past simple (be,there was/were and regular verbs)